Zheng Yan (zypeh)

Software engineer that keeps the cache pipeline full and CPU warm.

Contact me via email or view my GitHub and X.


Balaena Quant

I design the trading system, in multiple iterations.

Generation Lambda


I worked in Axo (previously Maladex) team, I do research and develop Decentralised Finance projects by combining functional programming, formal verification, reproducible methods and advanced mathematics.

I committed to maximise stakeholder's revenue. It is now one of the biggest and most busiest budget airline company in South East Asia.

Lead a team to work on a welfare technology platform that connects sustainable aid during this pandemic.

Revenue Monster

Kuala Lumpur

I worked on the bank settlement reporting feature and optimising their internal systems. We have helped hundreds of merchant to fast-track their business digitalization.


As one of the cofounders at Unistay, I dictate the technical aspect of the company, helping students looking for accommodations nearby their universities. Unistay is funded by Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre and Digi-X.